10 Things to do in Your 30s That Help You Feel Calmer

The 30s are the time of life when you continue to enjoy the vivacity of youth but also have a mind that has matured with experience. For most of the 20s, we try to figure out the world around us and gather life lessons. The 30s is when we begin to sum it up, which eventually crystalises our personality for the rest of our lives. It is also a decade where true responsibility begins, and the reality of life begins to sink in. It is crucial not to let our minds get bogged down by the things that surround us. 

With World Mental Health Day around the corner, here are ten things that we need to do in our 30s to stay calmer and work on our peace of mind.

1. Draw The Line, And You’ll Be Fine

Drawing the line is about the emotional cocoon that you need to build around you. Often it is the people around you who can agitate and unsettle you. Someone in the office may demean you, or one of your friends may always be pushing it too far under the guise of friendly banter. You shouldn’t let your mind subconsciously absorb all these negativities. By recognising the negativity around you, you help your mind to insulate itself from negative influences. 

2. Use Your Judgement 

In your thirties, you will be using your gut feeling to judge situations and choices. With an experienced head over your shoulder, you will be better placed to trust your instincts and avoid wrong choices. From the choice of your beverage to the car you drive, your friends and peers may have a passive influence on your decision-making. In your twenties, you may have blindly followed your BFF into most of these things. But now is the time to take a step back. 

3. Budget Travel Therapy 

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Travel recharges your batteries like few other activities. A change of scenery once in a while can do wonders for your mental well-being. Besides, meeting new people and exploring new cultures opens up your mind. Budget travel is an even better mood therapy, as it lets you reach out beyond the five-star suites and chauffeured travels. India, fortunately, has a lot to offer when it comes to budget travel, as you will find out here.

4. A Bucket List

It will help you get something meaningful out of the decade, outside of the rat race. Be it buying a new MG, a house, an overseas journey or something else, make a wish list and keep achieving them at your own pace. The sense of accomplishment you will get out of it is priceless. 

5. Get Ahead of Peer Pressure 

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When you stop comparing yourself with others, your mind will be at peace with your life. Keeping up with the Jones’ will only increase anxiety and make you do things you didn’t plan in the first place. No matter how much you compare and compete, there will always be someone better placed than you and someone worse. 

6. Remaining Steady Under Pressure

Now that you are in your thirties, there will be more responsibilities on both work and personal front. That may mean more pressure, but it is something that you have to learn to cope with well. Some are just born with steely nerves, while others develop them through activities like meditation. As you develop rock-like steadiness under pressure, you will be less anxious about things.

7. Find the Perfect Place to Unwind 

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You can pick a place to unwind as a departure from your daily grind. This can be that quiet spot by the riverside, a clearing in the nearby forest, or a café in the outskirts. Enjoy the MG driving experience every once in a while by driving to your favourite place and spending some much-needed soulful time on your own.

8. Avoid Anger And Stress

Anger leads to stress and negativity. Depending on how short your fuse is, find a way to curb your rage. The less you remain agitated, the better it is for your peace of mind. Responsibilities begin to shape up more concretely in your thirties. Therefore, nip your regular stress and anger while it’s still a bud. 

9. Play or Hum a Tune

Music is universally accepted as a mood reliever. Play your favourite song, or sing it aloud in the bathroom. It acts as a release from your daily worries and can have a calming effect on the mind and the body.

10. Write Down Your Thoughts 

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You don’t need a lot of penmanship to jot down your thoughts in a journal. As you start confiding your negative thoughts with your journal, you will find it easier to clear your head of its worries and tension.

This Mental Health Day, the thirty-somethings must recognize the importance of leading a sorted life – and ward off any possibility of mental troubles with these simple practices.