6 Factors That Impact Your EV’S Range – MG Motor

In the early days of electric vehicles (EVs), people were often troubled by “range anxiety” – the fear that they would run out of power mid-drive and be stranded. With exponential advancements in battery technology, range anxiety is a thing of the past, Most modern day EVs boast ranges north of 300km on a single full charge. But the range of an EV, much like the mileage of a petrol- or diesel-powered vehicle, is not a static number; it depends on several factors:

1. Road Conditions

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The most prominent everyday variable that could determine your EV’s range is the condition of the roads you drive on. If your driving route has several uphill sections, that strain required to push your car up could reduce its range. Similarly, if the driving route has road sections of poor quality that offer low traction, the efficiency of movement will reduce, and consequently, so will the range. Wet roads have the same issue. On the other hand, driving downhill can improve the range of your EV, not only by making the motors do lesser work but by sending power back to the battery via the regenerative braking system. To sum up, dry, smooth, flat roads will give you a better range than wet, broken, ascending ones.

2. Battery Capacity

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The connection between an EVs range and battery capacity is obvious—the denser the battery, the better will be its range. Denser batteries pack more energy per kilogram of the battery’s weight, thus arming the vehicle with a better range. The battery’s state of health (SoH)—a measure of its current capacity relative to when it was new is also important. Car batteries lose, on average, 2% of the SoH every year, and with it, some amount of their range. 

At 44.5 kWh, the MG ZS EV offers the largest battery capacity in the EV segment, giving it a fantastic range of 419 km on a single full charge. The new and improved ZS EV boasts a range of 300-400 km in most conditions, ensuring safe and comfortable travel inside and outside your city. 

3. Wind and Payload

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An EV is propelled by electric motors, which derive energy from the battery. The harder the electric motors have to work, the more energy they will draw from the battery, and consequently, the lesser range the EV will offer. Both wind and payload are variables that affect the functioning of the electric motors: stronger headwinds will offer greater resistance to the EV, whereas a heavier payload will offer more weight for the motors to move, and as a result, reduce the range of the vehicle. 

4. Tyre Health

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The condition or health of your EV’s tyres has a marked impact on its range. Tyres that offer good traction and are optimally inflated lead to better efficiency while converting the spinning of electric motors to the movement of the EV. Worn-out tyres offer poor traction, which leads to energy wastage in the form of wheelspin. In contrast, underinflated tyres offer greater resistance, which leads to a higher workload for the electric motor. To draw the best range from your EV, keep an eye on the health and pressure of your tyres. Fortunately, the MG ZS EV comes fitted with a Tyre Pressure Monitoring System that can keep you posted at all times. 

5. Driving Style and Speed

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As with a regular petrol- or diesel-powered vehicle, driving style impacts the efficiency, and consequently, the range of an EV. Jerky acceleration, start-stop driving, and overspeeding put a greater load on the electric motors, forcing them to consume more energy and reduce the EVs range. Smooth, steady, and gentle acceleration while driving at lower speeds, under 100kph, offers the best range.

6. Ambient Temperature

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Earlier, the ambient temperature of an EV could impact its battery’s performance. Batteries would require a neutral temperature to perform optimally, and conditions that were too hot or too cold could cause battery cooling and heating systems to kick in. This would consume precious energy and reduce the vehicle’s range. 

However, the evolved hi-tech battery in the new MG ZS EV makes it capable of conquering the diverse weather conditions in the country. Equipped with a Temperature Control Management System that ensures ideal battery output regardless of extreme hot or cold temperatures, your MG ZS EV is perfect for sunny days and chilly ones.

To sum up, an EV’s range is affected by many factors, several external and out of control of the driver. To maximize the EV’s range, however, you should #ChangeWhatYouCan and try and do something about the factors that are in your control. So, take care of your EV, while it delivers power and performance on every journey.